Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
Merlin Ah, how the not-so-mighty have fallen... It only goes to show that heroism is measured in deeds, not words.
Merlin Though it appears that some are reluctant to learn that lesson...

Welcome a Non-Hero[]

Character Activity Time Rewards
Syndrome Welcome Syndrome. 60m Incredibles Currency50
Character Dialogue
Syndrome Grrrr... HOW could that ungrateful, over-entitled TRAIN WRECK of a family possibly upstage ME?! AGAIN!!!
Syndrome Well, just you wait, Supers! This isn't the end of it! Forget about Omnidroids. If I want revenge, I'M the only one I need.
Syndrome I WILL be hailed as a hero -- no matter how many people I have to crush along the way.

