Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
Pumbaa Oh, Timon. I'm so glad you're here! We gotta tell Simba and Nala and everybody! They're gonna LOVE this pl--!
Timon Whoa, whoa, whoa! Priorities, Pumbaa! Are you suggesting we invite ROYALTY out here without making sure this place is safe?!
Timon Such as...and I'm just spitballing, here...making sure the local bugs aren't poisonous! It'd practically be irresponsible NOT to.
Pumbaa Hmmmm... I guess you're right, Timon. We wouldn't want to be irresponsible.

Taste Test[]

Character Activity Time Rewards
Level 1
Send Timon and Pumbaa to do a "bug safety check."
"Do a "Bug Safety Check""
2h Experience5, King Symbols50
Level 3
Character Dialogue
Timon Well, Pumbaa? What's the verdict?
Pumbaa *Chomp* ...Sixteen red ones, twenty blue ones, and two wiggly little green ones, and... *Gulp*...None of 'em taste poisonous to me!
Timon ... Eesh. On the other hand, your breath might kill me before the bugs kill you.
Timon You wanna go find some mint leaves to gargle with? I'm asking as a friend.

