Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
Timon Let's see... Four red ones, three yellow ones...
Timon Huh? Oh, I'm just pickin' up lunch for Pumbaa. Says he's got some sort of "important business" goin' on today.
Timon *sigh...* The things I do for that big lug...
Timon That said, the guy DOES get kinda sulky when he's hungry...so this is probably a good idea either way.

Takeout Order[]

Character Activity Time Rewards
Level 1
Send Timon to pick up some bugs for Pumbaa.
"Pick Up Bugs for Pumbaa"
60m Experience5, Magic100[1]
  1. The rewards were Experience5, King Symbols50 during Circle of Life Event 2017
Character Dialogue
Timon Of all the cockamamie-- You wanna know what Pumbaa's "important business" was? Splashing around in the waterhole!
Timon Why I oughta-- Of course, given his usual...natural perfume...it's kind of a relief that he's even taking a bath at all.
Timon Say, if I find more of those millipedes he likes, maybe he'll wash behind his ears this time!

