Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
Cinderella These new clothes are truly a gift... and gifts should be appreciated!
Cinderella And what better way to show just how much they mean to me than... sitting back and doing nothing at all in them?
Cinderella That's how Vanellope said I should use them, after all -- and I DO have a bit of time before my next Princess Quiz!

Princesses' Day In[]

Character Activity Time Rewards Tokens
Level 1
Send Cinderella to "Task.Relax."[1]
8h Experience5, Hearts50
Character Dialogue
Vanellope HEY! Uh... Stabby-Shoes! ... Miss Changey-Dress? ... Cindy! Sorry I messed up your name, but there's, like, thirty of you guys, and--
Cinderella Haha! That's quite all right, Vanellope! You do think of the most amusing nicknames. How are you?
Vanellope Uh, yeah... Funny story, but there MIGHT be a giant virus in the middle of this game we're in, so... "concerned"? Yeah. That.
Cinderella A "virus"... like an illness? Oh! You must mean a Curse!
Vanellope ... Yeah, sure, let's go with that. Any chance you could... y'know... help a sister out with that sorta thing?
Cinderella Of course, Vanellope. That's what friends are for, after all! I'll just need a little help...

