Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

The Sword in the Stone Part 3 Update has arrived! ✨
Visit this page to learn all about what's coming up in Disney Magic Kingdoms!


Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

NPC Details 
  Key: NPC
  Data: "I" = Image icon file name if different from the NPC name
        "L" = Link
        "D" = Display name
        "T" = True if NPC has tokens
    	"V" = LTE when NPC first used
              Event Versions
            	key  = Event Key
            	data = Name of item,
                       true if Gold Coins (Optional),
                       true if Event Key diffrent from the event item (Optional)

Strings containing double quotes (")  should be enclose in single quotes (')

return {
    ["Happiness"] = {
        ["I"] = "m-happiness-ecstatic",
    ["Magic"] = {
        ["I"] = "m-magic-2",
    ["XP"] = {
        ["I"] = "m-xp",
        ["N"] = "Experience",
    ["Wishes"] = {
        ["I"] = "wishes",
    ["Wish Granter"] = {
        ["I"] = "m-happiness-joyous",
        ["D"] = "Wish Granter",
        ["L"] = "Wishes",

    ["Crows"] = {
        ["D"] = "Dark Ravens",
    ["Figments"] = {
    ["Minnie's Parasols"] = {
        ["D"] = "Minnie's Umbrellas",
    ["Magic Brooms"] = {
        ["D"] = "Magic Sweepers",
        ["E"] = "0$tr2",
    ["Wandering Seeds"] = {
        ["D"] = "Plants",
        ["E"] = "0$pocahontas",

    ["Gold Coins"] = {
        ["V"] = {
            ["ti"]          = {"The Incredibles"},
            ["nbc"]         = {"Nightmare Before Christmas"},
            ["mulan"]       = {"Mulan"},
    ["Gold Trophies"] = {
        ["G"] = "ia",
        ["V"] = {
            ["old"]         = {"Old", nil, nil, "?|Disney Magic Kingdoms Old"},
            ["ti"]          = {"The Incredibles", true},
            ["nbc"]         = {"Nightmare Before Christmas", true},
            ["frozen"]      = {"Disney Magic Kingdoms", true},
            ["mulan"]       = {"Mulan", true},
            ["batb"]        = {"Beauty and the Beast"},
            ["tlk"]         = {"The Lion King"},
            ["aladdin"]     = {"Aladdin"},
            ["aiw"]         = {"Alice in Wonderland"},
            ["swatsd"]      = {"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"},
            ["wtp"]         = {"Winnie the Pooh"},
            ["l&s"]         = {"Lilo & Stitch"},
            ["bh6"]         = {"Big Hero 6"},
            ["potc"]        = {"Pirates of the Caribbean"},
            ["tlm"]         = {"The Little Mermaid"},
            ["wir"]         = {"Wreck-It Ralph"},
            ["tpatf"]       = {"The Princess and the Frog"},
            ["moana"]       = {"Moana"},
            ["fn"]          = {"Finding Nemo"},
            ["coco"]        = {"Coco"},
            ["sw"]          = {"Star Wars"},
            ["onward"]      = {"Onward"},
            ["dmk1"]        = {"Disney Magic Kingdoms", true},
            ["hercules"]    = {"Hercules"},
            ["ti2"]         = {"Elastigirl", nil, nil, "Elastigirl"},
            ["sw2"]         = {"The Mandalorian", nil, nil, ":Category:Star Wars|The Mandalorian"},
            ["brave"]       = {"Brave"},
            ["ratatouille"] = {"Ratatouille"},
            ["ratld"]       = {"Raya and the Last Dragon"},
            ["sw3"]         = {"Star Wars", nil, "sw"},
            ["luca"]        = {"Luca"},
            ["101d"]        = {"101 Dalmatians"},
            ["wdw"]         = {"WDW 50th Anniversary", nil, nil, ":Category:Disney Parks|WDW 50th Anniversary"},
            ["pinocchio"]   = {"Pinocchio"},
            ["rh"]          = {"Robin Hood"},
            ["sw5"]         = {"Star Wars", nil, "sw"},
            ["rescuers"]    = {"The Rescuers"},
            ["up"]          = {"Up"},
            ["tr"]          = {"Turning Red"},
            ["hp"]          = {"Hocus Pocus"},
            ["thond"]       = {"The Hunchback of Notre Dame"},
            ["soul"]        = {"Soul"},
            ["encanto"]     = {"Encanto"},
            ["sw6"]         = {"Star Wars", nil, "sw"},
            ["io"]          = {"Inside Out"},
            ["ij"]          = {"Indiana Jones"},
            ["ta"]          = {"The Aristocats"},
            ["tbc"]         = {"The Black Cauldron"},
            ["tm"]          = {"The Muppets"},
            ["mulan2"]      = {"Mulan"},
            ["ia"]          = {"Ice Age"},

-- The Tower Challenge --
    ["TTC"] = {
	["I"] = "update-20-event_shop",
        ["D"] = "The Tower Challenge Events",
        ["L"] = ":Category:The Tower Challenge Events",

-- The Incredibles --
    ["Cannon Bots"] = {
        ["E"] = "ti",
    ["Claw Bots"] = {
        ["E"] = "ti",

-- The Nightmare Before Christmas --
    ["Creepy Spiders"] = {
        ["D"] = "Spiders",
        ["E"] = "nbc$nbc2",

-- Frozen --
    ["Storm Clouds"] = {
        ["D"] = "Clouds",
        ["E"] = "frozen",
    ["Snowgies"] = {
        ["E"] = "frozen",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Mulan --
    ["Wandering Firecrackers"] = {
        ["E"] = "mulan$ta2",

-- Beauty and the Beast --
    ["Silverware"] = {
        ["D"] = "Utensils",
        ["E"] = "batb$encanto2",
    ["Vine Cages"] = {
        ["D"] = "Birds",
        ["E"] = "batb$pocahontas$pinocchio2$encanto2$ta2",
        ["T"] = true,

-- The Lion King --
    ["Hyenas"] = {
        ["E"] = "tlk",
    ["Jeweled Crabs"] = {
        ["E"] = "tlk$tr2",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Aladdin --
    ["Golden Scarabs"] = {
        ["E"] = "aladdin",
    ["Sand Whirls"] = {
        ["D"] = "Dust Devil",
        ["E"] = "aladdin",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Alice in Wonderland --
    ["Bread-and-Butterflies"] = {
        ["E"] = "aiw",
    ["Wacky Lunch Chests"] = {
        ["D"] = "Lunch Boxes",
        ["E"] = "aiw$rh2$encanto2",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs --
    ["Hidden Crows"] = {
        ["E"] = "swatsd",
        ["TC"] = "wir2$batb2$s2$s3$s4$s5$s6$s7",
    ["Creepy Trees"] = {
        ["E"] = "swatsd$nbc2$rh2$io2",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Winnie the Pooh --
    ["Heffalump Balloons"] = {
        ["E"] = "wtp$pinocchio2",
    ["Honey Bees"] = {
        ["E"] = "wtp$pinocchio2",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Lilo & Stitch --
    ["Scrump Dolls"] = {
        ["E"] = "l&s",
    ["Frogs"] = {
        ["E"] = "l&s$tr2",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Big Hero 6 --
    ["Koi Blimps"] = {
        ["E"] = "bh6",
    ["Battle Bots"] = {
        ["D"] = "Rogue Bots",
        ["E"] = "bh6",
        ["T"] = true,

-- The Little Mermaid --
    ["Clams"] = {
        ["E"] = "tlm",
    ["Cursed Crabs"] = {
        ["D"] = "Hermit Crabs",
        ["E"] = "tlm$pocahonta$io2$ta2",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Wreck-it Ralph --
    ["Pop-Up Spams"] = {
        ["E"] = "wir",
    ["Viruses"] = {
        ["E"] = "wir",
        ["T"] = true,

-- The Princess and the Frog --
    ["Cursed Dolls"] = {
        ["D"] = "Voodoo Dolls",
        ["E"] = "tpatf$rh2",
    ["Shadow Spirits"] = {
        ["D"] = "Shadow Monsters",
        ["E"] = "tpatf$nbc2",
        ["TC"] = "s2$s3$s4$s5$s6$s7",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Moana --
    ["Island Crabs"] = {
        ["E"] = "moana",
    ["Kakamora"] = {
        ["E"] = "moana",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Finding Nemo --
    ["Seagulls"] = {
        ["E"] = "fn",

-- Coco --
    ["Piñatas"] = {
        ["E"] = "coco",
    ["Rabbit Alebrijes"] = {
        ["E"] = "coco",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Star Wars --
    ["Porgs"] = {
        ["E"] = "sw",
    ["Interrogation Droids"] = {
        ["E"] = "sw",
        ["T"] = true,
    ["Blurrgs"] = {
        ["E"] = "sw2$sw4",
    ["MSE-6 Droids"] = {
        ["D"] = "Mouse Droids",
        ["E"] = "sw3$sw5",
    ["Viper Probe Droids"] = {
        ["E"] = "sw3",
        ["T"] = true,
    ["Ice Spiders"] = {
        ["E"] = "sw4",
        ["T"] = true,
    ["Reptavians"] = {
        ["E"] = "sw4",
        ["T"] = true,
    ["Tooka Dolls"] = {
    	["T"] = true,

-- Onward --
    ["Sprites"] = {
        ["D"] = "Pixies",
        ["E"] = "onward",
    ["Unicorns"] = {
        ["E"] = "onward",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Hercules --
    ["Pegasus Clouds"] = {
        ["D"] = "Baby Pegasus",
        ["E"] = "hercules",
    ["Nymphs"] = {
        ["E"] = "hercules",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Brave --
    ["Wisps"] = {
        ["E"] = "brave",
    ["Bear Teeter-Totters"] = {
        ["E"] = "brave",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Raya and the Last Dragon --
    ["Druun"] = {
        ["E"] = "ratld$io2",

-- Luca --
    ["Turtles"] = {
        ["E"] = "luca",

-- 101 Dalmatians --
    ["Dog Toys"] = {
        ["E"] = "101d",
    ["Lost Puppies"] = {
        ["E"] = "101d",
        ["T"] = true,

-- Pinocchio --
    ["Dancing Puppets"] = {
        ["D"] = "Wooden Puppets",
        ["E"] = "pinocchio",

-- Robin Hood --
    ["Rhino Guards"] = {
        ["E"] = "rh",

-- Turning Red --
    ["Panda Suits"] = {
        ["E"] = "tr",

-- The Hunchback of Notre Dame --
    ["Pierrots"] = {
        ["E"] = "thond",

-- Encanto --
    ["Donkey Unicorns"] = {
        ["E"] = "encanto",

-- Inside Out --
    ["Mind Workers"] = {
        ["E"] = "io",

-- The Aristocats --
    ["Traveling Geese"] = {
        ["E"] = "ta",

-- The Muppets --
    ["Orchestra Pit Penguins"] = {
        ["E"] = "tm",

-- Ice Age --
    ["Dodos"] = {
        ["E"] = "ia",