You need olive oil? But that bottle you're pointing to is mostly full... Do you... uh... do you need me to help pour it for you, or...?
Ooh! Right -- we talked about what to do when I don't understand you! ... Sort of. You did a lot of GESTURING, but I got it.
Anyway... here! I finally started carrying a pencil around for you! That way, you can draw me pictures, or...
... Aaaaand I just realized this is a human-sized pencil, which you MAY not actually be big enough to lift... well.
Oh, don't give me that look -- I'm still getting used to the idea that you can READ! Can't you just... use my hand to draw with?
Language Barrier[]
Level 1
Send Linguini to write what Remy tells him to. "Write What Remy Wants"
30, 250
(Whew!) Well... uh... that took longer than I thought and a LOT more hair yanking than I'd have liked...
But hey: You finally managed to make me doodle whatever it was you wanted to tell me!
Which is apparently some kind of gear... daisy... steering wheel thingy. Unless it's a doughnut? Which... yeah, I dunno.
Gee, are you sure you're not a chef AND an abstract artist?
Yeah, actually, don't answer that. I don't wanna know...