Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
Genie ... Thank you, thank you, you're TOO kind! Those of you who came late, that was "Genie Sings the Classics" -- karaoke edition!
Genie Folks, we're just about to wrap this shindig up, but we've got ONE more act before we go. And for this, I'll need a volunteer!
Aladdin Uh--
Genie YES! You there! With the dazed expression and the floppy hair! Come on up to the stage, and prepare to be FLABBERGASTED!
Genie Now, just so the audience knows, I did NOT stuff ten doves in your hat backstage earlier, right? Wait -- don't answer that!

It's Magic![]

Character Activity Time Rewards Tokens
Level 1
Send Genie and Aladdin to put on a show!
"Put On a Show!"
12h[1] Maleficent Coins200 [2], Magic10
Level 1
Character Dialogue
Genie ... TA-DAAAAAA! Well? What d'ya think?
Aladdin Uh--
Genie I can see your mind is blown. And by the looks of the audience, theirs are too! Careful, folks; don't get drool on the floor.
Genie Now, Aladdin, what YOU call "total confusion," I call "being a VERY talented assistant"! Give yourself a hand, pal!
Aladdin Uh... Okay! Should I be... applauding myself?
Genie You bet! Now go get fitted for a tux, and book us an in-house casino gig. Stick with me, kid. I'm gonna make you a STAR!
Genie Also, let me know if you find any of my doves. I know I left 'em somewhere...

