Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
John Darling I say, Peter: There's something I've wanted to ask you. The Never Land mermaids... are they of the class "mammalia" or "pisces"?
Peter Pan Haha! You sure talk funny sometimes, John!
John Darling ... Yes, well, that's as may be, but it doesn't answer my question. Let me put it another way...

A Question of Biology[]

Character Activity Time Rewards
John Darling
Level 7
Send John and Peter Pan to discuss the mermaids.
"Discuss the Mermaids"
8h Experience30, Magic250
Peter Pan
Level 4
Character Dialogue
John Darling ... Oh, for goodness sakes! ARE they fish, or AREN'T they?!
Peter Pan Ohhh... Well, why didn't you ask that in the first place?
Peter Pan ... I don't know!
John Darling Ah. Well... in that case, your honesty does you credit!
John Darling (I suppose it's no use asking about Tinker Bell, then, is it?)

